My mind asked me, "Where is the toothbrush?" spontaneously I started searching for it with least amount of bothering to what I am holding in my hand. My mind kept asking em repititively, "Where is the Toothbrush". Suddenly I realize I am actually holding my toothbrush in my hand, yet I am searching for it. Is it a patheptic state of my mind or myself?
You might have felt the same way for keys or spects or files or may be something else atleast once!
I spent sometime wondering " How my mind made me feel tense by asking such a simple & silly question". I am still aloof with my conscious for sometime thinking how my eyes simply started searching for it without realizing for what I am looking-is actually in my hand. I imagined, if this ia one a odd case, where I have made quite a small observation, then what would I do unknowingly, when thousands & thousands of queries are thrown by my own mind which may be trivial & silly? Now expanding my question bank to others like my family, my relatives, my friends,office mates, neighbours- all ask questions & yes majority of them are irrelevant. Yet I think & ponder over them wasting my precious energy and time.
Millions of Questions lie with me to answer:-
"Where am I spending my energy?
Where am I spending my life?
Where am I heading?"
Now I slowly realize one more thing. If I utilize my mind as a tool, to make myself believe what I want belive rather than what my eyes see (or unseen), rather than what my ears hear(or unheard), rather than what my family, friends & others say(or unsaid)!If I can do this, I can think & remain positive irrespective how harsh the life is & irrespective of how worse a circumstance is !

I seek some clarity, can anybody throw some light please!
See my list of queries is expanding & let me stop here now.
Santhosh Kumar.