Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Do I really Love Someone!

I never dreamt of reaching sky, as it is far away,
But I tried reaching it by throwing a stone at it, it fell down,
I tried to fly by a plane, but still it was not conquered!
I tried Love and the sky started bowing down to it , so I reached that level.
Innocent ignorant acceptance of love by Sky, is it ignored by me?
It is no more seen as a unconquerable destination.
I left for one more journey, one more destination with full confidence and success behind me!
Did I forget the generosity of the Sky!

During the course of my life,I always come across sky like family, friends, teachers, bosses, every other person who directly or indirectly helped me achieve what I wanted.New Successes achieved, new relationships formed,craving for new always exist,fading the old ones slowly.Do I realize the importance of the old ones when I have no more have strength to seek a new thing!

I don't know, but I realize that lots of people infact everybody in this world is craving for love as I do, but very few ready to give it! Truly said by few wise people, one who receives love, does not realize its value and one who hasn't received it,dies in anticipation of just receiving it!

Santhosh Kumar.