Millions of questions I asked , millions of doubts I raised from time immemorial, I got more than one answer for every question.
That one question still haunts me "Why I am here". I have no answer.My "Self" has not responded so far. It makes me wonder, whether its a question at all in first place. If yes, whether it is right question or not. I also wonder why I came out of nothing & created so many things. Do I have enough tools in terms of senses to understand the "Purpose of being here".
"I" made this planet liveable or this planet made "me" liveable! Either way, I m damn sure about one thing. As I originated from nothing, I will end up in nothing, complying with the law of conservation of energy.
Being specific to this incarnation, I am here to live a materialistic life, being a common man, with stars in my eyes destined to become big, fulfill all desires, enduring pains with broken heart , to become stronger with every moment passing.
All I understand is experience this human life form & I am destined to grow Big !
Santhosh Kumar.
So Ironic but realistic indeed !!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could find my purpose of my'self' living here :) eat pizzas!!!