Saturday, February 21, 2009

Turning Cynical to Love!

I know the physical presence makes some relationships stronger! I know the distance makes some relationships stronger & I know some relationships are always stronger. I was lucky in the past, to first understand what friendship is! I was lucky in the past, to know what it is be in Love! I was lucky in the past,to learn what failure is!I was lucky in the past, to taste the success. I am still lucky that I still experience the same sparks, I am still Lucky that the lesson learnt, is making me understand the that present pleasant is not better than the unbearable far pain.Priorities changed, beliefs changed, faith vanished.

Present pain is always I embrace for a long run happiness.I rekindled the same old friendship, I found new Love,but I found myself, that is what is important!I understand whatever the beginning is in Love, ending is always the same! I turned Cynical.. I am happy about being the one.

My eyes never stopped from seeing, my breath never tired from breathing but my heart says enough of beating. The heavier it becomes, someone closes in. Am I serious with life or is life serious with me?

I don't have the answers,all I know is that there is a pleasantness in my loneliness & I am enjoying every moment of it too !!

Santhosh Kumar.

My Foolproof Plan!!

I did not plan to come here- But I came!
I did not plan to grow- I grew!
I did not plan to make friends- I made one!
I planned to Love, I expected it be a great success- It failed!
I planned my career, I expected it to be great-I never understood what is great!
I never planned my life situations, they happened as if the script is already written!
I never planned my death- I am sure the date is fixed!

Whatever is planned has not gone according to my expectations, whatever is not planned is already destined! Still I plan even though I fail sometimes may be all the times, but I never fail to make a plan.

Santhosh Kumar.

Monday, February 9, 2009

It Hurts when my friend,just single clicks!

I was waiting for you to reply,
Waiting for you to type your feelings,
Waiting in anticipation to hear your SMS speak,
I kept waiting & here came a forward from you,
Which was also a forward received by you,
No one knew where it originated,
Just a single click, is time left for me,
Where has the time gone?
Where has my friend gone?
Where has that memory gone?
Has everybody ahead gone?
Have I left behind waiting?
All I know is I am still waiting !!
Still Waiting !!!

Santhosh Kumar.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Easier Route- Being Corrupt or Being Blue

Do we live to eat or do we eat to live!! I am quite confused many times may be all the times. The reason why I get confused is the priority given to all the other things in life, rather than giving the life the priority itself.

When a drop in an ocean refuses to be blue, does it make any difference!! May be not to the ocean, but definitely to the drop.In similar way, everyone's objective in the world is to live & if the the method to choose the way to lead the life is based on truth & ethical values by everyone, the might of an ocean will make a cleaner & safer world to live.

Now the big question is how to live? Being rich,being ethical,being successful,being popular,being austere. Everything you think can be achieved but at what cost is the next question. At the cost of ones conscience, ones moral rights, ones ethical values! One thing is certain for everyone, thats death.Only thing uncertain is its timing.If death is so certain, do we take along whatever we achieved,whatever we desired? Is it so important to achieve whatever we desire at any cost? Do I have to corrupt myself to achieve/or get things done? Is bribe the easier route or simply changing the focus an easier route.Now if every drop in an ocean decides to be blue,noway that ocean can look green. It has to be blue only. This holds true as someone rightly said " Denied Cooperation, even the most corrupt will collapse".

In my own capacity, I can deny cooperation as a first step.Next in case of compulsion, where I dont have any option, then I take help of other drops to make this ocean. I create waves knocking the right door. Staying in Bangalore, we have a good option in this case, as the news9 channel supports people who dare enough to call the channel, when someone asks for a bribe. Just you to dial "9980788999" and they will help you shoot the culprit red handedly.Don't turn green, if you have a chance and support to be blue.I am not scared of enemies outside my country , but my own corrupt countrymen threaten me about its unity. It is the same in case of any country for that matter. Lets join in fighting the common terror and lets be blue united like a mighty ocean made of tiny blue drops. Prefer the easier route, keep your conscience clean and objectives clean, the life will be easier and so will be death!!

Santhosh Kumar.